(Challenge 2 - Page 1) We REVERT to CHILDISH behaviour if we don't process our emotions!
(Challenge 2 - Page 2) The BENEFITS of correctly processing our emotions include INSIGHT & WISDOM!
(Challenge 2 - Page 3) PROCESS your EMOTIONS so 'inner stress' will not build up!
(Challenge 2 - Page 4) Learn to RELEASE the INNER PRESSURE of unprocessed emotions
(Challenge 2 - Page 5) EMOTIONAL PROCESSING is like BASIC HYGIENE... Are you emotionally clean?
(Challenge 2 - Page 6) PROCESS emotions to avoid emotional baggage!
(Challenge 2 - Page 7) AVOIDING emotions SHIFTS them to your SUBCONSCIOUS. But they will RESURFACE!
(Challenge 2 - Page 8) Try FEELING a mild emotion... We must BRIEFLY experience it to release it.
(Challenge 2 - Page 9) Experience the ‘PURE FEELING’ of an emotion. Just OBSERVE it.
(Challenge 2 - Page 10) EXPERIENCING an emotion starts its automatic release...
(Challenge 2 - Page 11) Buried emotions will RESURFACE! RELEASE them by FEELING them.
(Challenge 2 - Page 12) Start processing MILD emotions. Build your confidence & courage!
(Challenge 2 - Page 13) RUMINATION creates SUFFERING! Dwelling on the STORYLINE HINDERS release.
(Challenge 2 - Page 14) DON’T dwell on what went wrong. Don’t get TRAPPED in the STORY!
(Challenge 2 - Page 15) Successfully processed emotions won’t resurface or cause damage
(Challenge 2 - Page 16) LABELLING your EMOTIONS will help CLEAR THEM out!
(Challenge 2 - Page 17) Accurately LABELING an emotion makes it easier to LOCATE again
(Challenge 2 - Page 18) By FACING our EMOTIONS... we gain WISDOM & COURAGE
(Challenge 2 - Page 19) RE-EXPERIENCING an emotion helps TARGET it for processing
(Challenge 2 - Page 20) FULLY processing an emotion REWIRES the neural pathway