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Jan 8, 20231 min read
An Ultimate Quest is what you’re really meant to do with your life!
An Ultimate Quest is what you’re really meant to do with your life! What could YOUR long-term mission, goal or life purpose be? (SPECIAL GUEST)
Jan 1, 20231 min read
An Ultimate Quest is a grand exploration of what you yearn for.
An Ultimate Quest is a grand exploration of what you yearn for. Well done! You’ve already started. Look deep inside for guidance. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Dec 25, 20221 min read
Your quest depends on the level & detail of your exploration.
Your quest depends on the level & detail of your exploration. The deeper you contemplate, the more profound your answer. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Dec 18, 20221 min read
There is no right or wrong level in your quest. It’s entirely up to you!
There is no right or wrong level in your quest. It’s entirely up to you! Your life direction will evolve with time & experience. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Dec 11, 20221 min read
Your quest is your choice, but also your responsibility.
Your quest is your choice, but also your responsibility. What currently gives your life the most meaning or purpose? (SPECIAL GUEST)
Dec 4, 20221 min read
A shortcut on your quest is to identify your passion in life.
A shortcut on your quest is to identify your passion in life. Your passion will help point you towards your life purpose. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Dec 3, 20221 min read
Annoucing the 'SOS - Stop Our Suffering' BOOK
Are you really sick of suffering? There is something you can do. Give your inner wisdom a try! …the 'SOS: Sick Of Suffering' BOOK can... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Nov 27, 20221 min read
Experiencing joy means we are living our passion & purpose.
Experiencing joy means we are living our passion & purpose. Just focus on living a life with as much joy as possible. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Nov 20, 20221 min read
You already know the answers deep within! Trust the process.
You already know the answers deep within! Trust the process. Be open-minded. Invite in new realisations & insights. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Nov 13, 20221 min read
Your Ego will try to sabotage your Ultimate Quest.
Your Ego will try to sabotage your Ultimate Quest. Overcoming this doubt & fear will be an ongoing challenge. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Nov 6, 20221 min read
Only YOU can decide what’s best. It’s called personal development!
Only YOU can decide what’s best. It’s called personal development! The trick is not to think about it! Instead, try quiet contemplation. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Oct 30, 20221 min read
Find a quiet spot and gently invite in a deeper awareness.
Find a quiet spot and gently invite in a deeper awareness. The insights will come from the gaps between your thoughts. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Oct 23, 20221 min read
An inner journey is changing WHO we are, not WHERE we are!
An inner journey is changing WHO we are, not WHERE we are! Personal development helps us see our world in a different way. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Oct 16, 20221 min read
We can wake up to the fact that something is not right in our life.
We can wake up to the fact that something is not right in our life. We realise we need to change ourself, not the external world. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Oct 9, 20221 min read
Try observing your emotions, thoughts, beliefs & behaviors.
Try observing your emotions, thoughts, beliefs & behaviors. Tap into your deep intuition. This is your inner guidance system. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Oct 2, 20221 min read
Delayed inspiration is often the best! So take your time...
Delayed inspiration is often the best! So take your time... You have a whole lifetime to discover your Ultimate Quest. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Sep 25, 20221 min read
Your inner knowing can present as an intuitive insight or inspiration.
Your inner knowing can present as an intuitive insight or inspiration. Be brave, patient & kind to yourself. It’s worth the effort! (SPECIAL GUEST)
Sep 18, 20221 min read
Awaken and raise your awareness. Tune-in to your intuitive knowing.
Awaken and raise your awareness. Tune-in to your intuitive knowing. Aim for a joyful & fulfilling life. Seek contentment & inner peace. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Sep 11, 20221 min read
How do you make your decisions? Try listening to your gut feeling.
How do you make your decisions? Try listening to your gut feeling. Pursue what resonates positively. Double check with deep intuition. (SPECIAL GUEST)
Sep 4, 20221 min read
Use emotions as a guidance system. Check your feelings & sensations.
Use emotions as a guidance system. Check your feelings & sensations. Emotions work well for simple choices but NOT complex issues.
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