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LIFE is like a CLASSROOM for us to LEARN in...
What is the ultimate test?

What is the ultimate test of a life well lived?
Contemplate this...
Take your time...

How do we calculate a life of worth & beauty?
Is this too subtle or profound to measure?

Would it be an assessment of intelligence or courage or wisdom?
Is being smart, brave or wise the best?

Or is it our wealth or power & influence...
... Are these the right measures of success?

Can we really measure how well a life is lived?
Can this ultimate attribute be defined?

There are prizes for achievements in science & arts etc
Is there a prize for a life remarkably lived?

Should there be prizes for people living life incredibly?
Is their joy, peace & fulfillment reward enough?

What should the criteria of success be?
What are these ultimate human attributes?

Can this goal only be judged intuitively?
Is success in life too abstract & intangible?

Is living our life well the ultimate test... and its own reward?

What is the ultimate test of YOUR life?
The Ultimate Test community would love to hear your opinion...
What do you currently feel the ULTIMATE TEST might be in the classroom of YOUR life?
Try to convey this briefly in the form below. Your answer could be published on this website.
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View PRESENTATIONS related to this THEME:
We don't have to do anything! It's more important to let go of our conditioning.
To understand consciousness, a new world view is required. It's a medium beyond mind.
Watch VIDEOS related to this THEME:
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