An Ultimate Quest is what you’re really meant to do with your life!
An Ultimate Quest is a grand exploration of what you yearn for.
Your quest depends on the level & detail of your exploration.
There is no right or wrong level in your quest. It’s entirely up to you!
Your quest is your choice, but also your responsibility.
A shortcut on your quest is to identify your passion in life.
Experiencing joy means we are living our passion & purpose.
You already know the answers deep within! Trust the process.
Your Ego will try to sabotage your Ultimate Quest.
Only YOU can decide what’s best. It’s called personal development!
Find a quiet spot and gently invite in a deeper awareness.
An inner journey is changing WHO we are, not WHERE we are!
We can wake up to the fact that something is not right in our life.
Try observing your emotions, thoughts, beliefs & behaviors.
Delayed inspiration is often the best! So take your time...
Your inner knowing can present as an intuitive insight or inspiration.
Awaken and raise your awareness. Tune-in to your intuitive knowing.
How do you make your decisions? Try listening to your gut feeling.
Use emotions as a guidance system. Check your feelings & sensations.
Emotions are different from deep intuitive discernment.