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  • Writer's pictureCHALLENGES COURSE

(Challenge 2 - Page 7) AVOIDING emotions SHIFTS them to your SUBCONSCIOUS. But they will RESURFACE!

ARE YOU AVOIDING EMOTIONS? So many people are separated or ‘cut-off’ from their feelings. They deny, avoid or suppress their emotions! Some don’t consider their feelings & emotions to be valuable. Or they fear being overwhelmed by them!

A BIG MISTAKE:Some mistakenly think they have ‘solved the problem’ by avoiding or bypassing their emotions. They think they have ‘MOVED ON’ but are very MISTAKEN! Avoiding the direct experience of an emotion does NOT make the underlying issue go away. They are just in DENIAL!

AVOIDING EMOTIONS just SHIFTS them from conscious awareness to our subconscious. This is called SUPPRESSION. These potent suppressed emotions are still present and will try awfully hard to re-surface to our conscious awareness. Unknowingly, we can waste so much of our energy keeping all these powerful emotions suppressed.

CONTEMPLATE THIS: We hope you are now more convinced of the value of emotional processing. Below is a summary of what we aim to do.

SUMMARY OF CHALLENGE 2: Recall a recent mildly annoying emotion. Briefly re-experience what it feels like, then release & clear it fully. Sometimes an insight or wisdom is gained in this processing.

AVOIDING emotions SHIFTS them to your SUBCONSCIOUS. But they will RESURFACE!


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