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(Challenge 2 - Page 5) EMOTIONAL PROCESSING is like BASIC HYGIENE... Are you emotionally clean?

CHALLENGE 2 will help develop your EMOTIONAL PROCESSING skills. Don’t do the exercise just yet, but carefully consider the instructions below.

SUMMARY OF CHALLENGE 2: Recall a recent mildly annoying emotion. Briefly re-experience what it feels like, then release & clear it fully. Sometimes an insight or wisdom is gained in this processing.

EMOTIONAL HYGIENE: In Challenge 2 we will learn healthy emotional hygiene! This practice sounds so simple, but it’s not always easy to do! Always be kind & caring to yourself, especially if it gets hard! Refer back to Challenge 1 for more advice on how to do this.

RELUCTANCE: Many haven’t been taught BASIC EMOTIONAL HYGIENE. Some haven’t bothered doing it for a long time! Often we’re not sure if we’re doing it right. Sometimes we’re reluctant or even fearful to try. Be brave!

IT FEELS GOOD: Emotional hygiene should feel good AFTER we have done it. It’s much like bathing, toileting or cleaning our teeth!

BASIC HYGIENE contributes to our wellbeing! Ignoring this practice results in a gradual decline of our health and potential illness.

EMOTIONAL PROCESSING is like BASIC HYGIENE... Are you emotionally clean?


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