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(Challenge 2 - Page 23) NEGATIVE emotions have a LOW VIBRATION. Don’t let them drag you down.

PROCESSING ‘NEGATIVE’ EMOTIONS: It’s especially important to process emotions that feel bad. We should release them quickly! Negative emotions have a ‘low vibration’. Exposure to this ‘low vibration’ quickly brings down our level of wellbeing and vitality!

A WASTE OF ENERGY: Negative emotions require a lot of valuable energy to keep them suppressed or repressed. If we don’t process them quickly, they keep resurfacing or drag our energy down!

CLEARING NEGATIVITY: The more negative an emotion, the more time and effort is required to successfully process and release it! We do need to clear this negative energy from both our mind and body.

EXAMPLES OF LOW EMOTIONS: Emotions that have a MILDLY NEGATIVE vibration include pride or feeling contempt for another person. Slightly MORE NEGATIVE emotions include feeling hate or loathing.

EVEN LOWER ENERGY: Emotions with even LOWER vibration include feelings of lust & craving. Even WORSE are feelings of anxiety or fear. Next we will discuss emotions with an even lower vibration.

NEGATIVE emotions have a LOW VIBRATION. Don’t let them drag you down. Process them instead!


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