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ALL ABOUT NOTHING: Part 3. What’s in empty SPACE?

Who would dare propose that ‘empty space’ might not be empty at all? Who would have the courage to develop a radical scientific model, not based on conventional linear mechanics?

In the field of theoretical physics, which scientists would even dare to question Albert Einstein?

Who would question the established nature of space and time?

Reginald Cahill is one such scientist! While based at Flinders University in Australia, he developed the concept termed ‘Process Physics’. Another such maverick scientist is Nassim Haramein, the founder of the Resonance Science Foundation. Let’s consider what they propose…

If SPACE is not completely empty and it isn’t just ‘nothing’, then what does it contain? The contents appear invisible to our naked eye and even to our scientific instruments. But we do have some observable clues as to what’s really in there.

Astrophysicists firmly believe there is much more to the Universe than we can currently observe. That’s because we can currently scientifically measure & account for about 4% of what’s there. We don’t exactly know what the remainder is!

Scientists have already postulated some invisible or ‘dark matter’ exists to explain this discrepancy. Otherwise the observed mechanical rotation of the galaxies just wouldn’t work.

Subsequently some additional ‘dark energy’ component was postulated. That’s because astronomical findings indicated the rate of expansion of the Universe was accelerating! This couldn’t occur without an additional input of energy. Perhaps that energy comes from that apparently empty ‘Space’.

Could this ‘dark matter’ & ‘dark energy’ be the real contents of Space?

Is this the mysterious missing content? It must embody enormous mass & energy and yet somehow be invisible?

Conventional scientists have set out to answer this question: What’s the Universe & matter itself really composed of? They are using the world’s most powerful & expensive scientific instrument. In simple terms, this is the world’s most powerful ‘microscope.’ It can peer right into the heart of subatomic matter and analyse the particle interactions there. It’s called the Large Hadron Collider.

This gigantic scientific instrument is 14 Km in diameter and costs more than 6 billion US dollars. It’s buried deep underground near the Swiss-French border at the CERN facility near Geneva. Here scientists are attempting to find the missing component of the Universe.

They termed this the ‘Higgs-Boson particle’ or ‘God particle’.

They are developing even more complex experiments. But are the CERN scientists looking with the wrong mindset? As we have previously suggested, could the ‘missing’ mass & energy instead exist in the space between these particles! Are they looking in the right place with the wrong frame of mind?

Hopefully scientists at CERN will still stumble upon some associated finding or epiphenomenon that will lead to the right conclusion. They might finally realize the missing mass and energy exists in ‘the space’ between subatomic particles, instead of looking for smaller & smaller particles? But philosophically they have regarded this space as being empty: It’s been their scientific dogma!

Let’s hope we can all find the Truth even if we must stumble across it by accident. This is however too often the case! To paraphrase an old saying: Our human problem is that, after stumbling across the Truth, we tend to get up, dust ourselves off and carry on regardless. As if NOTHING has really happened!

This profound topic & its discussion continues with Part 4 of this series which is titled ‘All about MATTER: What are we really made of?’.


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