Deep intuitive discernment works best for complex issues!
Intellectual discernment is the only approach taught at school.
Deep intuitive discernment is not limited by intellect or thinking.
Effective discernment will help guide you on your Ultimate Quest.
Pause if you are uncertain. Take the time to go deeper.
Use your gut, mind & heart together to find joy & purpose.
Build trust in your inner guidance. Learn from your mistakes.
What is your Ultimate Quest? Be open & curious. Look deeply within.
You still have time to discover your life’s meaning & purpose.
Living life on autopilot diverts you from your Ultimate Quest!
Keep big life questions away from your Ego and intellect.
Replace unhelpful activities with time-out for inner reflection.
Only your Ultimate Quest will fill that empty feeling deep within!
Breathe & relax. Allow thoughts to gently pass across your mind.
Absorb yourself in nature, beauty, creativity or artistic experiences.
Remember you do not have to work all this out immediately.
What’s your level of satisfaction? Are you content & fulfilled?
We try to fill our emptiness with temporary pleasures!
Embrace the ‘power of love’ not the ‘love of power’.
Tap into the energy of unconditional love.