We can CALM our MIND by being silent, still and relaxed
We can further STILL our MIND with Mindfulness or Meditation
Practise becoming mindful of the natural flow of your breath
Impartially observe your thoughts as they pass across your mind
Focus on the sensation of the air flow... with each breath
Enter THE SPACE of your quiet mind
We can slow our thoughts by focussing on the gaps between them
TRUE REALITY exists ONLY in the GAPS between your THOUGHTS
The more we FOCUS ON the GAPS between our THOUGHTS the more they seem to EXPAND
Practise tuning in to the GAP between... each breath... each word... each thought
A simple way to slow our thoughts is to follow the rise & fall of our breath
Acting from Higher Awareness is a living meditation
Losing our childhood connection to higher Self!
Deep within we have the knowing...
Inner Peace and Joy comes from...
Welcome the feeling of being in the Now moment
Beyond the barrier of our thoughts...
LISTEN to your intuition and inner guidance
A spiritual journey is supported by...
A KEY to staying in the NOW moment